
ag百家乐积分 有谁看过泰坦尼克号这部电影?

发布日期:2024-04-29 13:09    点击次数:148

图片傲气 泰坦尼克号残败腐蚀严重 images reveal depths of Titanic's slow decay

颤动的图像揭示了泰坦尼克号冉冉老套的进度 。

1.decay [dr'keɪ] n.rot堕落

Rebecca Morelle and Alison Francis

BBC News Science



2.wreck [rek] n.a hulk or the ruins

of a wrecked ship 残败

It was the image that made the Titanic's wreck instantly recognisable - the ship's bow looming out of the darkness of the Atlantic depths.



adj. 可鉴别的;可意识的;可承认的(=recognizable)

3.loom [lu:m] come into sight

enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions 若存若一火

But a new expedition has revealed the effects of slow decay, with a large section of railing now on the sea floor.



英 [ˌekspəˈdɪʃn];好意思 [ˌekspəˈdɪʃn]

n. a journey or excursion undertaken

for a specific purpose 探险


远征;探险;测验:指为了特定主张,如科学掂量、探索未知区域等而进行的资料旅行。举例:The scientists went on an expedition to the Antarctic.(科学家们去南极进行测验。)

远征队;探险队;测验队:实践远征、探险等任务的团队。举例:The expedition faced many difficulties during the journey.(探险队在路径中遭逢了很多贫苦。)

赶紧;敏捷:示意快速、高效地作念某事。举例:He solved the problem with expedition.(他赶紧地科罚了这个问题。)

The loss of the railing -immortalised by Jack and Rose in the famous movie scene - was discovered during a series of dives by underwater robots this summer. The images they captured show how the wreck is changing after more than 100 years beneath the waves.


5. railing

英 [ˈreɪlɪŋ];好意思 [ˈreɪlɪŋ

n. a barrier consisting of a rail and supports


这是对 “railing”(雕栏)的英文阐述,意料是 “一种由横杆和复旧物组成的欺压物” 。


英 [ɪˈmɔːtəlaɪz];好意思 [ɪˈmɔːrtəlaɪz]

v. to make immortal 使弥远

The ship sank in April 1912 after hitting an iceberg, resulting in the loss of

1,500 lives.



vt. 千里陷(sink 的往时式)

vi. 千里陷(sink 的往时式)


n. 冰山;微露眉目的事物

“The bow of Titanic is just iconic - you have all these moments in pop culture - and that's what you think of when you think of the shipwreck. And it doesn't look like that anymore, ” said Tomasina Ray, director of collections at RMS Titanic Inc, the company that carried out the expedition.

“泰坦尼克号的船头太具秀美性了——流行文化中有诸多与之干系的经典时刻——一猜度这艘千里船,你脑海中默契的即是它的花样。但刻下它已焕然一新。” 正经这次探险测验的皇家邮轮泰坦尼克公司藏品总监托马西娜·雷说说念。

7.iconic 英 [aɪˈkɒnɪk];好意思 [aɪˈkɑːnɪk] adj. widely recognized and well-established 标


这是对一个单词含义的态状,意料是 “被正常招供且地位褂讪的”,相宜这个意料的单词比如 “established”“prestigious” 等,凭据语境 “iconic”(秀美性的;广受招供的)也契合该态状 。


“RMS”常见含义为“Royal Mail Ship”,即皇家邮政船 。在英国帆海历史上,被授予“RMS”名称的船只,频繁承担着皇家邮政运输的蹙迫任务,同期也用于客运等其他功能。比如着名的泰坦尼克号,全称为“RMS Titanic” 。

“It's just another reminder of the deterioration that's happening every day. People ask all the time:'How long is Titanic going to be there?' We just don't know but we're

watching it in real time.”


8. deterioration

英 [dɪˌtɪəriəˈreɪʃn];好意思 [dɪˌtɪriəˈreɪʃn]

n.the action or process of becoming

impaired or inferior in quality,functioning, or condition; the state of having deteriorated 恶化

Source: RMS Titanic Inc

Inc= incorporated

adj. 组成公司的,股份有限的;同一的

The team believes the section of railing, which is about 4.5m (14.7ft) long, fell off at some point in the last two years.


Images and a digital scan from a 2022 expedition carried out by deep-sea mapping company Magellan and documentary makers Atlantic Productions show that the

railing was still attached - though it was starting to buckle.

由深海测绘公司麦哲伦(Magellan)和记录片制作公司大欧好意思制作公司(Atlantic Productions)在2022年开展的一次测验所拍摄的图像和进行的数字扫描傲气,那段雕栏那时仍辘集在原处,尽管还是启动逶迤变形。


n. 纪实节目,记录片

9. attached 英 [əˈtætʃt];好意思 [əˈtætʃt] adj. connected or joined to something 系上的

10.buckle 英 [ˈbʌkl];好意思 [ˈbʌkl] bend or move usually under the influence of some external agency 逶迤

这一态状对应的单词可能是“flex”,意料是“逶迤;弯折”,常指在外部力量影响下使物体逶迤或体魄部位作念出逶迤当作 ,其英文阐述为“bend or be bent into a curve or angle”,与题目中的态状相符。举例:Flex your knees slightly.(略微逶迤你的膝盖。)

“buckle”如实相宜这个释义。它作动词时,常见意料为“(使)逶迤;(使)变形”,尤指在压力、外力等作用下发生逶迤或歪曲。举例:The intense heat caused the metal to buckle.(高温以致金属变形逶迤。) 这里即是在外部高温的作用下,金属发生了逶迤变形,与“to bend or move usually under the influence of some external agency”意料一致。

"At some point the metal gave way and it fell away, " said Tomasina Ray.


RMS Titanic Inc has the salvage rights to the Titanic, and is the only company legally allowed to remove items from the wreck site.

皇家邮轮泰坦尼克公司(RMS Titanic Inc)领有泰坦尼克号的打捞权,何况是独逐一家被法律允许从千里船行状打捞物品的公司。

11. retrieve 英 [rɪˈtriːv];好意思 [rɪˈtriːv]

v. rescue,salvage 取回

Over the years, the company has retrieved thousands of items from the debris field, a selection of which are put on display around the world.



n. 残败,碎屑

“put on”在 “a selection of which are put on display around the world” 这句话中,和“display”组成短语“put on display” ,意料是“展出;展示” ,其中“put on” 抒发“使……处于(特定状况或位置)”,在这里使物品处于被展示的状况 。访佛的抒发还有“put on show”,相同示意“展览;展示” 。

Additional reporting by Kevin Church


Image source: RMS Titanic Inc,

Alamy, Getty Images
